Gillie has a passion for teaching and for coaching where the art and skill required to guide, direct and support without giving the answers is crucial. Good coaching, she believes, stretches a person out of their comfort zone and grows them enormously. It can take you to a place within yourself that you are likely not to go to by yourself. Coaching is performance driven. It increases self-confidence and self-esteem, enhances skills, identifies weak areas and turns them into potential successes. It reduces the feeling of low self-worth and frustration and with high levels of accountability coaching does make a difference for everyone wherever they are on their journey.
Mentoring requires time in which both mentor and mentoree can build a climate of trust that creates a place where the they can feel secure in sharing the real issues that impact their journey. Mentoring is development driven, unlike coaching which is performance driven. This often means that answers are given and there is a greater element of hand holding.

Want to learn more about how Gillie can bring out the best in you?
Use the form below to get in touch to learn more about coaching and mentoring or send Gillie a text on 07879024583